Spectra, Medela, Willow - Pump Reviews!

I am OFFICIALLY DONE PUMPING y’all!!! This is so exciting. Two babies and over a year of exclusive pumping combined, y’all have no idea how good it felt to put my pumps away and get my freedom back. For those of you who have exclusively pumped before, you know how exhausting it is. It’s a lifestyle on its own.


I get asked a ton what pump I used and how I compare all the ones that I’ve tried. I used three different pumps over the course of my pumping time. I hope these reviews in detail help you make your choice:

Medela Sonata

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Price: $359

My Experience: I used this the entire time I exclusively pumped for Zidaan (7 months) and for majority of my pumping for Aiyla (4 months).


  • SIlent and Sleek: First off, this pump is quiet. And I mean very quiet — so much so that users rave about being able to use the Sonata discreetly in offices, in public, on conference calls, or in the middle of the night. It’s also small, lightweight, has a (sort of) handle for easy carrying.

  • Interface: I’m not alone in my love for the Sonata’s clock/timer feature, which allowed me to visually see the duration of each pumping session; instead of tuning out and forgetting how long I’ve been pumping, I always knew my exact stats. If you’re pumping to increase your supply, it’s very important to know the duration of each session.

  • Suction: 20 mins each session always emptied me!


  • Battery Life: The rechargeable battery only lasts an hour. For comparison, the Spectra S1 has a battery life of about 4 hours — if long battery life is super important to you, you’re better off with the Spectra. I pumped A LOT on the go. I’ve pumped everywhere from airports, airplanes, cars, restaurants etc. I would constantly have to find an outlet to plug this into. Not the most convenient.

  • Not compatible with other bottles: A HUGE CON for this pump is the fact that its not compatible with ANY other pump (not even other Medela Pumps). They don’t make ANY adapters for different bottles. You HAVE to use the Medela bottles and you HAVE to use the Sonata charger.

Overall, the pump is great if you’re looking to exclusively pump. There are a few downsides, but if you can look past them - I do recommend this pump!

Spectra S1

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Price: $200

My Experience: For years, Medela has ruled, undisputed, over Breast Pump Land. If you have to pump in the hospital, the nurses will likely wheel in a Medela Pump. When you call in your free pump from your insurer, it will probably be a Medela Pump. This was true for me and I was using my Sonata until the battery life started bothering me and my neighbor lent me her Spectra! Game changer.


  • Stylish: Like the Medela Sonata, the S1 has made significant upgrades to the breast pump interface. I found the round, cool blue pump to be oddly stylish, and it comes with a handle that makes it easier to tote around.

  • The Screen: When you turn on the pump, an LED screen shows you the time you’ve been pumping, as well as cycle length and vacuum strength. The pump automatically shuts off after 30 minutes.

  • Awesome Battery Life: I LOVE that the battery life is about 3-4 hours. I could take this anywhere and get 4-5 pumping sessions after one charge.

  • Suction: What made the biggest difference for me besides the battery life was the suction. With my Medela, I was pumping 10 ounces total in a 20 minute session. With the Spectra, I was pumping 10 ounces in 15 mins. The suction worked better for me and I was hooked.

  • Compatibility: This pump is compatible and has adapters for TONS of bottles. I personally used the adapter for the Medela bottles, but they also have adapters for other bottles such as the Comotomo that Aiyla uses. Huge win!


  • I honestly can’t think of any.

The Willow

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Price: $500

My Experience: I really wanted to like this pump. I needed something discreet and wireless for the office so I gave this a try. I tried my best to use it as much as I could, but just wasn’t a fan.


  • Completely handsfree: you put the pump in your bra and you can go about your day.

  • App: It connects to your Willow app and you can keep track of pump sessions etc. The corresponding smartphone app lets you monitor the pumping session in real-time, and you’ll specify iOS or Android when you order. 


  • NOT discreet: It’s quite large and unless you’re wearing a huge sweater or scarf, it’s obvious you have the pump in your bra.

  • Charging: the charging takes forever and can only charge one pump at a time. You have to buy another charger to charge both pumps at the same time.

  • Parts: When you purchase the Willow, you’ll receive two pumps (one for each breast), one of two sizes of flanges, a charger, and an initial supply of bags. Extra bags need to be ordered directly from the company (quite pricy).

  • PRICE - I definitely think this is on the pricier side.

  • Suction - This did NOT empty me at all. I would have to pump for about 30 mins or more to get anywhere close to what I would get with my Medela or Spectra. Also the bags wouldn’t hold all my milk. I had to switch them out between sessions which was a pain.

Overall, I think this pump is good if you’re on the go a lot and need something handsfree. It’s quite a steep learning curve, but I have friends who absolutely love this and swear by it! It comes down to personal preference.

Thank you for reading! I hope my thoughts on all three pumps help you make the right choice for you. If you have any questions, please DM me and I’ll answer! :)

Yusra Jafferany